By Alex Chiu
Most people equate Montessori education with early childhood or the preschool years. However, did you know that there are Montessori programs which begin serving children in infancy and extend up through the elementary, middle, and high school grades? For families who embrace the Montessori philosophy, they truly do see Montessori education as an ‘education for life’ and something that continues throughout their children’s school years and beyond. Many adopt a Montessori approach to their family home life, especially if there is not an opportunity to continue in a Montessori program beyond preschool. We are lucky in that The Montessori Children’s Academy offers programs which invite families to begin the Montessori journey at age 18 months in the Montessori, My Child, & Me child-caregiver program and continues with programs for Preschool, Kindergarten, and Lower and Upper Elementary students. The MCA Elementary Program, one of the few Montessori Elementary programs in our area, serves students in grades 1-8 and is located at our Short Hills campus.
MCA Elementary Highlights
Let’s take a peek into just some of the unique opportunities that students have when they continue their Montessori education beyond the Preschool and Kindergarten years and move into the Elementary Program. Our MCA Elementary students benefit from many varied and unique experiences both in and out of the classroom. Here’s a sampling of just some of the special activities they’ve participated in so far this school year.
The MCA Garden
This year, our MCA Elementary students have taken over the responsibility of maintaining our school garden. When the weather was warmer, the students used tools such as pitchforks and hand trowels to clean up the garden and pull out bulbs that were no longer needed. Next, they will begin indoor planting in February. Students have also been in contact with the Master Gardeners of Essex County to help plan their garden. They even tied the garden to math lessons as they measured the area and perimeter so that they could draw, to scale, graphs of the garden in order to plan how they will utilize the space most efficiently. The garden is just one example of how our students connect with community members, such as the master gardeners, and extend their learning beyond the classroom walls. It also illustrates cross-curricular learning where gardening meets math, science, and more.

Practical Life Skills Put to Work
The Montessori Practical Life exercises came in handy to the Elementary students recently. They decided they needed to adjust the height of some classroom tables, so they grabbed screwdrivers and went to work. The students made tables taller so they could fit more comfortably, as they have all grown so much this year! Here, too, students took the lead in problem solving, putting their skills to use in a practical way, and working together for their classroom community’s comfort and well-being.

Exploring History and Making Predictions for the Future
Our Elementary students have been continuing to study pre-humans and the theory of evolution. In order to understand how scientists develop theories based on evidence, the students analyzed models of pre-human skulls. They wrote down observations, drew what they saw, and compared the skulls to one another. The students then developed theories based on what they saw, as well as their prior knowledge from class lessons, to hypothesize what the skull changes meant for humans and why these changes might have occurred. One student even took it upon himself to predict what evolutionary changes could happen in the future and why those changes might occur! Montessori students continuously build upon prior learning, making connections and discovering ways to answer their many thoughtful questions.

Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, Oh My!
To kick off our chemistry studies, the MCA Elementary students explored atoms! The students used three-part cards and books to learn about the different parts of an atom. Some students took the initiative to take their studies one step further. Here you can see 3-D atoms built by our students with materials they found around the classroom. Montessori students are hands-on, engaged, active learners!

What Montessori Elementary is All About
It’s important to note that our MCA Elementary Program maintains the hallmarks of the Montessori philosophy, keeping its true values at the core. Here is what Montessori Elementary (and beyond) is all about:
Classroom Community
One thing that remains consistent in Montessori education across ages is the mixed-age groupings of the students. The benefits of the mixed-age group are clear when students fluidly move from one level to the next as they are ready, not limited by age or grade, and as students learn from one another, with each bringing different talents and skills to the classroom. A younger student may already be an ‘expert’ in dinosaurs because of a vast amount of interest and research done on the subject, so that student might take on a teaching role to share his or her knowledge with the others, regardless of whether they are same-age peers, or younger or older students. Students take on various leadership roles at different times throughout the school year, and all work together in a way similar to how families function, with each class member taking on different responsibilities and everyone working together for the common good of a happy, productive, learning environment.
Teachers Who Guide Students
Montessori Elementary teachers have a certification that is specifically designed for teachers working with the elementary age groups. Using their finely tuned observation skills, they adapt lessons to the needs and readiness of their students, continuously offering appropriate, challenging, and engaging activities. Montessori teachers act more as guides than lecturers, helping their students understand that the students must take ownership of their learning, which makes their learning so much more meaningful. This is not to say that Montessori teachers don’t ‘teach’. They meticulously prepare their classrooms, work alongside their students, and provide all of the support necessary to promote active, challenging, and real learning in their classrooms.
Montessori Materials and More
Elementary students may continue to use some of the same materials familiar to them from their Primary classes, but they do so in a much more advanced, sophisticated way. The materials grow with the students, moving them ever forward from concrete to abstract thinking. Supplementing these Montessori materials are important curriculum materials that equal and surpass what is being presented in traditional elementary schools. These may include supplemental writing exercises, literature, science tools, and current technology. What is different is that Montessori students continue to have the freedom to explore these varied academic components after having been provided with initial guidance by a teacher. After an introductory lesson on a material or concept, students move forward with their learning at their own pace, oftentimes seeking out independent study of special areas of interest. Very often, learning is interconnected across subject areas, and students can see how the skills they learn in their core academic areas work together in so many real life situations.
An Uninterrupted Work Cycle
The work cycle of the Elementary classroom is similar to the Primary class in that the Elementary students also have a long, uninterrupted work time. During this work cycle, they may move from one activity or subject to another, completing experiments, writing essays, doing research, and working independently, in small groups, or with a teacher. The school day also includes special classes, such as Spanish, Music, Art, Technology, Physical Education, and Health.
Peace Education and Community Connections
The MCA Elementary Program continues developing the students’ global awareness and civic responsibilities through the ongoing Peace Education curriculum. This includes not only learning social graces, but also incorporating environmental education and involvement in community service activities. Students are encouraged to make community connections, and as they do, they discover that there is so much that they have to offer in making the world a better place starting right within their own communities.
Continuing a Montessori education beyond the preschool years allows children to further develop their love of learning while taking ownership of their education. Elementary students in a Montessori environment are provided with the opportunities to follow their interests and identify their passions. With the support and guidance of their teachers, these older Montessori students apply knowledge to new areas, make connections among subject areas, and delve deeper into each area of study. They come away with skills that stretch beyond strong academic performance. From their Montessori experiences, they learn how to learn, how to ask questions and seek answers, and how to be part of a community that works together for the benefit of all.
For more information about Montessori elementary in general, you might enjoy reading Montessori Today by Paula Polk Lillard, which provides an in-depth look at what Montessori elementary education is all about. We also invite you to visit our website at for more details about our MCA Elementary Program, or call our Short Hills campus at 973-258-1400 to schedule a tour to visit and see for yourself.