A Matter of Trust

By Alex Chiu

Trust. This is a good word for the beginning of the school year. Parents who have chosen to send their children to a Montessori school have already shown that they have trust in the educational philosophy. Now, as September is upon us, it is time take a deep breath as we send our children off to school and to also trust our children, their teachers, and ourselves.

The start of a new school year is always filled with anticipation, and sometimes anxiety, by students, parents, and school personnel. Everyone is excited for new lunchboxes, new learning, and new growth. But many are equally nervous about a new beginning. For parents of new students, there may hesitation about being away from their children for what may be the first time, or concern about how their children will fare in a new classroom with new faces and new routines. Families with children returning to school also face uncertainties and may feel some apprehension about what the new school year will have in store.

But this is where trust comes in, and especially trust in Montessori. At The Montessori Children’s Academy, parents can trust that their children are in the care of well-trained, dedicated teachers who believe in the Montessori Method and adhere to the principles set forth by Dr. Montessori. The teachers fully appreciate that parents entrust children to their care during the school day. They model respect, patience, kindness, and curiosity, and they work diligently to individualize the learning that takes place in order to follow each child from where he or she is to wherever it is that he or she wishes to go. Of course, everyone in each classroom goes through the ‘normalization period’ where they learn how to work together as a classroom community. The groundwork for the year is laid as the classes talk about classroom guidelines, expectations, and goals. Separation issues may ensue for some, but again, parents are asked to trust that the teachers (and the other children) will work together to make every individual in the class feel safe, secure, and excited to be at school. Parents must trust that even if this takes some time, it happens, and if their help is needed, they will be invited to help in the process!

Montessori parents also can trust that their children will have the opportunity to learn and grow in a nurturing environment that has been specifically designed just for them! The carefully designed materials invite the children to explore how they work, and each material offers many levels of learning. Montessori classrooms are an oasis for children. Everything is just their size, and each item on each shelf is carefully and purposefully placed. The children learn a sense of order as they are shown how to take an item off of the shelf, how to use it, and how to return it so it is ready for the next friend who wants to use it. They learn responsibility and how to care for their environment which they share with their friends and teachers. They learn to take pride in the work they do and in the way in which they do their work. Parents can trust that the levels of learning are many. Additionally, they can trust that children in the Montessori classrooms learn not only important academics but also social skills, leadership skills, and higher-level thinking skills that they will carry on with them wherever they go.

Finally, parents need to take a moment, take a breath, and trust themselves. Especially for parents with first time students, trust that you are sending your child on a wonderful, joyful journey. As children begin their education, and move forward with each subsequent year, they have the whole world opened up to them. Parents can trust that they know their children best. They are their children’s first teachers and have already set a foundation on which their children will build their personalities, experiences, and education. Trust that you are sending your children into the world where they will learn, grow, contribute, share, develop, struggle (yes!), overcome, persevere, question, discover, and so much more. Trust that there is a wonderful school year ahead!


Farmers Markets and Montessori

By Alex Chiu

August is perhaps one of the most colorful months of the year, especially if you take some time to visit any number of local farmers markets in the area. Fruits and vegetables in rainbows of hues fill the baskets and tables, inviting a closer look at their beauty. Who knew there were not only red and yellow tomatoes, but orange, purple, and striped ones, as well?! Beets, red and golden, inspire something new for the upcoming week’s menu. Cauliflower, bright white, neon green, or even purple, might find its way into new family recipes. The variety of fruits and vegetables available at this time of year is such a welcome sight. Some are common and well known and loved—something to enjoy and savor again and again. Others are surprising and completely different, and they welcome us to give them a try, offering us a chance to find a new favorite to include at our tables at home.

As strange as it sounds, walking through a farmers market on a Saturday morning elicits images of a Montessori classroom. The markets are filled with colorful, carefully cultivated, and specifically chosen items, made available for us to explore, investigate, and learn from as we take our time moving from one stall to another. Our senses are awakened to the colors, flavors, and textures before us, and who can resist the beauty and opportunity within each market item? The markets are also a place for community. We meet the farmers, learn from them, and share our experiences. We might provide feedback about last week’s purchases, describe a new recipe we tried with some of the grower’s ingredients, or ask questions about additional benefits or usages for what they have brought to the market. We learn together. We see how we are different, how we are the same, and how we are connected in it all.

Similarly, Montessori classrooms invite students to do the same sort of exploration and discovery as they entice students with their carefully prepared materials specifically developed by Dr. Montessori to support child development. The materials are heirlooms of her teachings passed on to promote the growth of new generations. The Montessori materials, intentionally pleasing to the eye, draw the students’ attention and invite them to use them as they delight their senses and develop new skills. The Montessori classroom, like the farmers market, is also a community. Students and families come together to learn, share experiences, ask questions, and develop personally. Montessori students, teachers, and families also grow together as a community, acknowledging one another’s strengths and needs, and working together to promote growth in all.

So, as the summer continues on, consider taking in a farmers market or two with your child. Identify what’s familiar, and find out more about what’s new. Enjoy the fruits of the season, and make some discoveries about nature together. Before you know it, school will be starting up again. And when September arrives, even as the produce available at the farmers market changes and begins to dwindle, you can be assured that with the start of another school year, the fruits of Montessori education will continue to flourish and grow all year long.

Summertime Extensions for Exploring the Cultural Area

Montessori Childrens Academy NJ

Montessori classrooms truly give students the world. The Cultural area of the classroom is filled with flags, globes, and maps which allow students to travel to places beyond their classroom walls. Montessori students learn about geography, land and water forms, and climate, not to mention the customs and cultures of people from around the world. Exposure to these cultural aspects opens the minds and imaginations of students. They discover the similarities and differences between their own country of origin and places worldwide. Through their cultural studies, they also gain an appreciation for things that are unfamiliar to them, and this appreciation of ‘other’ lends itself to developing understanding of and respect for all people, all cultures, and all places.

Summer is an excellent time to use the Montessori Cultural area as a springboard for continued learning. Because many of the students have already been presented with lessons in map making and simple research, parents can challenge their children to extend their cultural discoveries at home over the summer holiday. Even if your family is planning a ‘staycation’ this summer, you can all travel virtually through your participation in some of these Cultural extensions.

1. Discover your roots. If your ancestors came from other countries, summer might be a perfect time to find out more about your family’s history or about your family’s country (or countries) of origin. Public libraries generally have children’s books about places around the world, so check out a few related to your family’s own ethnic background.

2. Taste something new. As an extension, you might enjoy trying out a new recipe from one of these places. Involve your child in planning the dish, shopping for ingredients (and there are some ethnic markets that are like a trip to a foreign land in and of themselves!), and then together prepare and taste something new!

3. Map your neighborhood. Keep those cartography skills sharp and have your child create a map of your neighborhood or town. Challenge your child to identify the major landmarks (school, library, police station, favorite playground), and invite him or her to draw out the paths from home to each of these important places in your area.

4. Design a family flag. The children have learned that nations can be identified by their flags. They also know that each state in the US has its own flag. Why not design a special family flag? Think about things that are important to your family and include symbols representing those things on your family flag. Design it first on paper, and if you’re really ambitious, create an actual fabric flag to wave proudly at home!

5. Identify the land and water features you visit. Again, even if you don’t leave home, your child can look at maps of where you live and practice identifying what land and water forms are displayed on the map. Not only do we have the Atlantic Ocean along our NJ border, but the state is filled with rivers, lakes, and mountain ranges to identify.

6. Research a destination. If your family is planning a getaway to another city, state, or country, include your child in the planning, and research some of the history, geography, and culture of the place you will be going.

7. Keep a travel journal. Keeping a journal on a family trip is a wonderful way to have your child document the trip, and it is something that your child can then share with family and friends upon returning home. Drawings, notes, and collected items such as ticket stubs, photographs, or brochures can build a wonderful keepsake of your vacation.

Whatever your summertime plans, your child can continue to discover the world through a variety of activities, even from the comfort of your own home. Happy Exploring!

Springing Forward and Springing Up

“Growth is not merely an increase in size, but a transformation.” ~Maria Montessori

By Alex Chiu

Hopefully, we can say with confidence that spring is finally here. After quite a crazy winter and the late arrival of spring-like weather, we seem to be moving toward warmer temperatures, budding trees, and greening grass. And just as the seasons have changed, so have the children in their Montessori classrooms.

What can you expect from your child this spring? And what can you do to keep their growth springing forward in a positive direction? Let’s take a look at the different age groupings to find out.

2 ½ – 3 ½ Year Olds
With eight months of school behind them, the toddlers and younger preschoolers are showing more independence. You might start hearing the phrase “I can do it myself” much more often. If you do, the very best way to respond is to allow your child to make attempts at doing more things by him or herself! From putting on their own coats and shoes to cleaning up toys to pouring a drink, allowing your children the time to do these tasks independently further encourages their confidence in their own abilities and helps to motivate them to learn to do more and more on their own. You will likely notice that your children are more adept at communicating their needs, and that they have had a ‘language explosion’ in terms of vocabulary and speech. Continue to foster this development by engaging in conversations, commenting on the things you see when you are walking or driving, and of course, reading together on a daily basis.

4 and 5 Year Olds
These students are likely starting to take on more responsibilities in their Montessori classrooms. They might be helping younger children with lessons or doing more to keep the classroom in order. Having had the older role models ahead of them has provided this group of students with a map for what their role will be in the coming school year. They are aware that they are now among the older more experienced classmates, and they rise to the occasion of helping others as needed. At home, provide your 4- and 5-year-olds with opportunities to help you plan, shop for, and prepare a family meal, organize the games or activities when friends come to play, or choose a family outing. This group is also deep into their friendship development, so encourage that further by inviting a friend or small groups of friends to get together during the summer to play, attend a free outdoor community concert, or visit the library together.

The Kindergarten students may find themselves feeling some mixed emotions at this time of year. They are generally excited about their upperclassmen status, having worked through the complete 3-year cycle in their Montessori classroom. They are the leaders, the role models, and what the younger students aspire to be. They have learned a wealth of academic information, grown in confidence, gained leadership skills, and developed deep friendships and connections with their classmates and teachers. At the same time, they may be feeling nostalgic and a little apprehensive to leave this warm, safe, familiar environment. If they are moving on to a different type of school for first grade, the unknowns may be tugging at them—Who will be in my class? What are the expectations? These and other questions or concerns may be addressed by reaching out to your child’s new school for the upcoming year and asking if they might be able to take a tour. Looking around your neighborhood, you might see potential new classmates and have your child start developing those friendships during the summer through casual playground get-togethers. For those children who will continue their Montessori journey in Montessori Elementary, they likely will have the opportunity to visit their new classroom and meet with current Lower Elementary students. Being able to see what lies ahead may help these graduating Kindergartners feel more at ease with the transition that is approaching for the next school year. Don’t forget to celebrate their Kindergarten graduation as it is indeed a milestone worthy of recognition. These children have worked hard for the past three years on their academic, social, and emotional development, and what they have achieved is worthy of celebration!

By springtime, the Elementary students are using the skills they have acquired to extend their knowledge and dig deeper into their various areas of academic study. While some students experience ‘spring fever’ or ‘senior slump’ with a lackluster attitude toward school as summer vacation approaches, we find that most Montessori students continue to approach their school days with anticipation and excitement. The Montessori materials provide continuous learning opportunities and grow with students, moving them ever forward from concrete to abstract thinking and from simple to complex concepts. Each day is a new day for discoveries, and the Elementary groups are not done yet! Elementary students have made the adjustments needed to thrive in their classroom setting. They understand the Elementary level expectations and have worked with their teachers and peers to develop time management skills. They have had the opportunity to do both independent and collaborative work, building skill sets with each of these types of learning. Moving into the summer, parents might encourage their Elementary students to create a reading list, with titles of books that span a variety of genres. Perhaps your Elementary child might like to further research an area that he or she found most interesting during the school year and take it to yet another level of learning. A family field trip to enhance this makes an especially nice summer activity. And just as with the toddlers who have moved onto declaring “I can do it myself”, your Elementary children will surely want to show you the added independence that they have in their new stage of development. Encourage them to take on more responsibilities at home. Invite them into deeper conversations about current events. These students are growing in their personal confidence and opinions, so it’s a perfect time to allow them to share their ideas, and teach them how to do that in a respectful, thoughtful manner which will serve them well throughout their maturation.

Family Dynamics
As your children grow and reach different milestones and stages of development, your family dynamic may shift a bit or require some adjustments. Keeping true to core family values is important. However, how you interact with your children and what you do to uphold what is important to your family could require some changes. For example, as your children grow, the vocabulary you use should grow with them. The responsibilities you place on your children can increase, and the conversations and ways of letting loose and having fun might become different. Being aware of how your children are growing and developing will help you help them to continue springing forward into the wonderful beings that they are and will continue to be as they grow in their knowledge, independence, responsibility, commitment to service, and love of learning and life. After all, each one of us continues to spring up and spring forward through each season of life!

Building Community through Books

by Alex Chiu

Some of our MCA parents are currently participating in MCA’s Parent Book Club meetings at our Morristown and Short Hills campuses. They are reading The Childhood Roots of Adult Happiness by Edward Hallowell and discussing the five key elements that maintain the joy of childhood for children in today’s world, which ultimately help them develop into happier adults. The Parent Book Club meetings are a special time for parent participants and the MCA teachers who facilitate the groups to come together to discuss their reactions to the selected book, share personal experiences, ask questions, and form a special community.

The idea of the ‘book club’ likely started hundreds of year ago, with Puritan Bible study groups, Paris salons, Benjamin Franklin’s Junto literary society, and lyceum, where people came together to discuss topics of personal importance and current political and social events. In more recent times, the current book club boom likely was launched with the help of Oprah’s book picks, as local libraries and book stores quickly created meetings for community members to discuss her latest book choice. Regardless of how they came about, book clubs are a great way for people to share in the joys of reading with others. And just like adults, children (even young children) can benefit by participating in book discussion, as well.

So, how do you get your children interested in reading and discussing good books? Let’s take a look at a few ways to celebrate the joy of reading and help your child see that reading can build a bridge to community, to boot:

1. Saturate your child with reading material. Even the youngest children can learn to appreciate language and literature simply by having an abundance of things to read readily available. Keep a basket of board books for babies that they can pick up, a child-sized sturdy bookshelf for preschoolers, and a place for mom’s, dad’s, and older children’s books and magazines too! Public libraries sometimes hold used book sales, which are a great opportunity to stock up on new titles for the whole family.
2. Schedule regular family reading times. Many families engage in the familiar bedtime story ritual, but have you considered a time when everyone in the family is reading his or her own book at the same time during another part of the day? Even instituting a short 15-minute reading break on Saturday or Sunday afternoons can help to create a habit of reading for enjoyment, and you get a few minutes to read your most recently recommended book as well!
3. Discuss books together at home. Consider choosing one book that all family members read (either together or separately). Even with young children, everyone being familiar with the same book can open doors to interesting conversations about characters, settings, and connections to school, family, and other areas. For example, even the classic Goodnight Moon could lead to a discussion about each family member’s favorite things that are found in his or her bedroom or what rituals help people relax at night after a busy day. Have family members take turns choosing a book to discuss each month.
4. Institute a ‘book date’ for your child with a special adult. A grandparent, aunt or uncle, or close neighbor could be the perfect companion to share a story with as a special occasion. Be sure the adult knows the purpose of the ‘book date’ is to share thoughts about a book each has read, and also to simply enjoy one another’s company!
5. Consider starting an informal children’s book club with a few of your child’s friends and their parents. Together, generate a reading list of books across a variety of genres and themes at the appropriate age level. Be sure to include both fiction and non-fiction titles on the list. Schedule the dates for your meetings, perhaps once every other month. Rotate homes or meet in the children’s section of your local library and remember to provide some snacks for the book club session. An adult may need to lead the discussions at first, so be prepared to have some open-ended questions ready for your participants. Questions might include things like: Which character did you like best and why? What surprised you in the story? If you were the main character, what would you have done? What is similar/different about the setting of the story and where you live? Would you recommend this book to a friend and why or why not? Include a game or craft that relates to the book in some way, and keep the length of the meetings appropriate for the children’s ages and stages of development – it’s always better to leave them wanting more than dragging out a book club meeting and risking losing the children’s interest!

Sharing in the joy of reading with family and friends allows everyone to take fantastic journeys together through the pages of wonderful books and helps to build a community of readers young and old.

For more information about the history of book clubs, you might enjoy reading the following articles which were used as a reference:

A History of Radical Thinking: How Women Created Book Clubs (Kristin Hunt, 2016) broadly.vice.com/en_us/article/nejbvk/a-history-of-radical-thinking-how-women-created-book-clubs
The Evolution of American Book Clubs: A Timeline (Otto, 2009) www.minnpost.com/books/2009/09/evolution-american-book-clubs-timeline

If you’re interested in starting a book club for your children, the following articles provide some additional helpful hints to get your book club off the ground:

How to Start a Book Club for Kids
20 Ideas for Starting a Book Club for Kids (Marie, 2017)