Category Archives: Self Care

How to Establish Healthy Transition Routines at the Start of a New School Year

by Camilla Nichols, Senior Director of Montessori Development

In Montessori schools, we often refer to Head Teachers as “Guides”. The primary role of a Montessori Guide is to act as a role model for the children in her or his care. These Guides, or Head Teachers, are trained to observe and follow the needs of each child, as the needs look different for everyone, and will most certainly change over time. In a nurturing and Prepared Montessori Environment, the goal is to ignite each child’s inner flame and his or her love of learning, while allowing children to become independent citizens of the world. Children will begin to feel a sense of belonging and that they matter, they are needed, and they make a difference to the world and those around them. Together, we establish and create a community where parents, children, and teachers form trusting relationships and build a foundation where everyone can feel safe, loved, and cared for. We welcome our families on this wonderful lifelong journey of learning that starts here at The Montessori Children’s Academy. 

As our families are preparing to return to school, or to begin with us for the first time, we wanted to offer a few tips to help make the start of the new school year as successful as possible for your children and your families.

Read books. A wonderful book that we recommend is The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn. This book gives just one example of how to establish a special ritual with your child, reminding your child that you are always nearby and that you love her or him unconditionally. For an audio version of the book, you may want to check out the YouTube video at

Keep your morning routine positiveChildren are experts at sensing what their parents are feeling. So, even though you may be a bit anxious yourself, try to stay positive while you and your child are getting ready for school in the morning. 

Keep your school drop-off/goodbye brief. Once at school, keep your goodbye short and positive and don’t linger, as this will only make it harder for both your child and you. Making positive statements such as, “I can’t wait to hear all about your day”, “I love you”, and “I will be back soon”, help your child understand that you are comfortable with the school and know that he or she will be safe there. Trust your child’s teachers and know that your son or daughter is in the hands of other loving, caring adults.

Be on time each day. It is much more challenging for a child to enter a classroom when everyone else has already settled in and is busy working. Children acclimate better to a new school routine when they are entering the classroom during greeting time along with all the other children.

Encourage your child to walk independently into and through the school. Do not carry your child into school, and allow extra time for your child to hang up his or her backpack, coat, lunchbox, etc. Children are more than capable of doing this and when doing this on their own, it helps to foster independence. Practice patience and allow that extra time to “follow the child’s” lead and pace.

Stay consistent with the same routine every day. If your child attends school three days a week, the transition may take a little longer than that of a child that attends five days, where each weekday looks the same. You should allow 6-8 weeks with some ups and downs for your child to get used to the new routines. Remember… a long weekend or an illness that necessitates an absence from school often causes a child to regress and makes them start all over.

Communicate with your child’s Head Teacher. Remember that we are on this path together. Be open to communicate your challenges and needs with your child’s Head Teacher. Share observations and reflections and discuss together a plan/strategy for drop-off if your child needs more support. Discuss this privately with the Head Teacher and not in front of your child. Then stick to the plan and you will see great results.

Support your child as neededAdd a picture of your family to your child’s backpack that can be there as a reminder that family is always close by. Or maybe add a favorite stuffed animal or blanket that will remain in the backpack all day, as the child learns to leave attachments behind and enter through the classroom door independently on his or her own.

Listen to your child. If your child is having a challenging time, it’s important to acknowledge those feelings with phrases such as, “I know you feel sad when I’m leaving, but I also know that you will have a great time and I will be back very soon.” Avoid bribery such as, “If you go to school, I will bring a cookie or a sticker for you at pick-up”, as your child will then start to rely on external rewards in order to go to school. Remember… your child is learning to be a part of society and to adjust to daily routines; not unlike the way parents go to work every day. Encouraging phrases like, “You must feel so proud of yourself” and “You are amazing and I can’t wait to hear about your day”, will help give your child an inner satisfaction that will lead to feeling good about him or herself rather than trying to please mom or dad.

Learn how you can be involved in the MCA Community. Showing your child that you are involved in the school community allows your child to see that mom and dad can learn and have fun too! Attend our Parent Workshops, participate in the Parent Book Club, join us for Harvest Family Fun Day, and drop in for our Coffee Mornings. Speak to your child’s Head Teacher once everyone has settled into the year to learn about the possibility of visiting the classroom to share something from your culture, a recent trip abroad, your profession, or even to read a book to the students. 

Some children will walk through the MCA doors with ease and transition into the new school routines quickly. For other children, the transition may take some time. Therefore, it’s important to know how you can help to make this transition as smooth as possible in a supportive way that will ultimately help your child. Most of the time, it’s harder for the parents to say goodbye than it is for the children. So, a routine that looks the same every day is beneficial for everyone. 

We encourage you, as parents, to embrace this special journey and to take the time to observe how you can encourage opportunities of independence in your child while taking a step back and remembering Maria Montessori’s quote… “Help me to help myself.”