Category Archives: Parenting

Independence in the Early Childhood Montessori Classroom

by Camilla Nichols, Senior Director of Montessori Development

“How does he achieve this independence? He does it by means of a continuous activity.
How does he become free? By means of constant effort…
Independence is not a static condition; it is a continuous conquest,
and in order to reach not only freedom, but also strength,
and the perfecting of one’s powers, it is necessary to follow this path of unremitting toil.”
~ Dr. Maria Montessori (The Absorbent Mind)

Maria Montessori recognized early on that there was a need for a form of education that looks at the whole child, at what drives them and what their true needs are. She observed the need for independence in children and began experimenting with different ways to guide children to become more involved in their own education, which was in opposition to the typical thought on Early Childhood Education in the 1900s. Montessori also recognized the importance of having children feel that they belong to a group, that they matter, and that other people care about them.

Young children on the road to independence want to be given the opportunity to do things on their own. On average, a child falls 17 times an hour while learning to walk, but the child doesn’t give up on this task until he has succeeded by repetition, thus learning by trial and error. Mistakes are a vital part of learning because they help children to adjust and motivate them to try again. When a child is learning a new task through direct experience, each small achievement creates a new connection in the brain, and before you know it, this new task has become automatic. 

Maria Montessori allowed children to become actively involved in their own education. She discovered that when children were able to freely choose an activity and follow what she called “the child’s inner guide”, they were able to engage for a longer time and were more deeply connected to their activity. Their concentration also deepened, compared to the more traditional practice of the teacher assigning the activity or work.

This discovery was made in Italy back in 1907 at the first Montessori School, Casa dei Bambini, during an interesting observation. A teacher had accidently overslept, and as she rushed into the school, she stepped into the Prepared Environment and was astonished by what she found. All of the children had already chosen work on their own, without her being present. At first she was upset, but then Dr. Montessori urged her to observe the phenomenon before her. This is how one of the Core Principles of the Montessori Method, “Follow the Child”, was born. It was very clear that the children seemed more engaged, content, and happy, and were able to socialize, share, and help each other based on their own choices. Many core principles of the Montessori Method are based on Maria Montessori’s early observations. She observed that children make choices that are influenced by developmental needs and that the children will continue to repeat an activity over and over until their needs have been met.

“We must, therefore, quit our roles as jailers and instead
take care to prepare an environment in which we do as little as possible
to exhaust the child with our surveillance and instruction.”
Maria Montessori (The Child in the Family)

In a Montessori Prepared Environment, we always encourage and allow repetition as the children are born with a natural instinct to repeat. Young children are very capable of following through with an activity on their own. The role of the adult is to demonstrate how to do it and then take a step back and observe the child as she independently finishes the task. The Prepared Environment also allows children to make their own choices in a beautiful and inviting setting. Children of mixed ages work together as a community where everyone matters and everyone is able to follow their own inner guide, independently choosing meaningful and purposeful activities that foster a lifelong love of learning.

“Help me to do it by myself” ~ Maria Montessori

How to Establish Healthy Transition Routines at the Start of a New School Year

by Camilla Nichols, Senior Director of Montessori Development

In Montessori schools, we often refer to Head Teachers as “Guides”. The primary role of a Montessori Guide is to act as a role model for the children in her or his care. These Guides, or Head Teachers, are trained to observe and follow the needs of each child, as the needs look different for everyone, and will most certainly change over time. In a nurturing and Prepared Montessori Environment, the goal is to ignite each child’s inner flame and his or her love of learning, while allowing children to become independent citizens of the world. Children will begin to feel a sense of belonging and that they matter, they are needed, and they make a difference to the world and those around them. Together, we establish and create a community where parents, children, and teachers form trusting relationships and build a foundation where everyone can feel safe, loved, and cared for. We welcome our families on this wonderful lifelong journey of learning that starts here at The Montessori Children’s Academy. 

As our families are preparing to return to school, or to begin with us for the first time, we wanted to offer a few tips to help make the start of the new school year as successful as possible for your children and your families.

Read books. A wonderful book that we recommend is The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn. This book gives just one example of how to establish a special ritual with your child, reminding your child that you are always nearby and that you love her or him unconditionally. For an audio version of the book, you may want to check out the YouTube video at

Keep your morning routine positiveChildren are experts at sensing what their parents are feeling. So, even though you may be a bit anxious yourself, try to stay positive while you and your child are getting ready for school in the morning. 

Keep your school drop-off/goodbye brief. Once at school, keep your goodbye short and positive and don’t linger, as this will only make it harder for both your child and you. Making positive statements such as, “I can’t wait to hear all about your day”, “I love you”, and “I will be back soon”, help your child understand that you are comfortable with the school and know that he or she will be safe there. Trust your child’s teachers and know that your son or daughter is in the hands of other loving, caring adults.

Be on time each day. It is much more challenging for a child to enter a classroom when everyone else has already settled in and is busy working. Children acclimate better to a new school routine when they are entering the classroom during greeting time along with all the other children.

Encourage your child to walk independently into and through the school. Do not carry your child into school, and allow extra time for your child to hang up his or her backpack, coat, lunchbox, etc. Children are more than capable of doing this and when doing this on their own, it helps to foster independence. Practice patience and allow that extra time to “follow the child’s” lead and pace.

Stay consistent with the same routine every day. If your child attends school three days a week, the transition may take a little longer than that of a child that attends five days, where each weekday looks the same. You should allow 6-8 weeks with some ups and downs for your child to get used to the new routines. Remember… a long weekend or an illness that necessitates an absence from school often causes a child to regress and makes them start all over.

Communicate with your child’s Head Teacher. Remember that we are on this path together. Be open to communicate your challenges and needs with your child’s Head Teacher. Share observations and reflections and discuss together a plan/strategy for drop-off if your child needs more support. Discuss this privately with the Head Teacher and not in front of your child. Then stick to the plan and you will see great results.

Support your child as neededAdd a picture of your family to your child’s backpack that can be there as a reminder that family is always close by. Or maybe add a favorite stuffed animal or blanket that will remain in the backpack all day, as the child learns to leave attachments behind and enter through the classroom door independently on his or her own.

Listen to your child. If your child is having a challenging time, it’s important to acknowledge those feelings with phrases such as, “I know you feel sad when I’m leaving, but I also know that you will have a great time and I will be back very soon.” Avoid bribery such as, “If you go to school, I will bring a cookie or a sticker for you at pick-up”, as your child will then start to rely on external rewards in order to go to school. Remember… your child is learning to be a part of society and to adjust to daily routines; not unlike the way parents go to work every day. Encouraging phrases like, “You must feel so proud of yourself” and “You are amazing and I can’t wait to hear about your day”, will help give your child an inner satisfaction that will lead to feeling good about him or herself rather than trying to please mom or dad.

Learn how you can be involved in the MCA Community. Showing your child that you are involved in the school community allows your child to see that mom and dad can learn and have fun too! Attend our Parent Workshops, participate in the Parent Book Club, join us for Harvest Family Fun Day, and drop in for our Coffee Mornings. Speak to your child’s Head Teacher once everyone has settled into the year to learn about the possibility of visiting the classroom to share something from your culture, a recent trip abroad, your profession, or even to read a book to the students. 

Some children will walk through the MCA doors with ease and transition into the new school routines quickly. For other children, the transition may take some time. Therefore, it’s important to know how you can help to make this transition as smooth as possible in a supportive way that will ultimately help your child. Most of the time, it’s harder for the parents to say goodbye than it is for the children. So, a routine that looks the same every day is beneficial for everyone. 

We encourage you, as parents, to embrace this special journey and to take the time to observe how you can encourage opportunities of independence in your child while taking a step back and remembering Maria Montessori’s quote… “Help me to help myself.”

The Montessori Children’s Academy and Cora Hartshorn Arboretum and Bird Sanctuary: A Match Made in Nature!

By Camilla Nichols, Senior Director of Montessori Development

In a quaint neighborhood in Short Hills, New Jersey, within walking distance from the train station, lies a hidden gem; a sanctuary, nestled in the woods known as Cora Hartshorn Arboretum and Bird Sanctuary (CHA). The arboretum was developed by Cora L. Hartshorn on 16.5 acres of land that had been gifted to her by her father, Stewart Hartshorn, in 1923. Cora Hartshorn passed away in 1958, leaving the arboretum and bird sanctuary to Millburn Township. 

In addition to a bird observatory and lab facility, CHA offers over 16 acres of beautiful woodlands with three miles of protected hilly hiking trails. The grounds of this non-profit organization are not only home to undisturbed nature, but house a diverse woodland habitat where native trees, plants, and animals can thrive. CHA offers several impressive environmental educational programs, and the old Stone House contains some live animals, a beehive, and other rotating exhibits. 

Throughout the school year, CHA is a popular field trip destination for school groups, and on the weekends, you will find families participating in guided hikes, Nature Scavenger Hunts, camping in the woods, learning about composting, and more. There is no fee to enter, but donations to CHA are encouraged. 

CHA invites parents to explore its weekly Arboretum Sprouts program for children 18 months to 3 years (with a caregiver) or the After School Turtle Tots drop-off program for 4-year-olds through Kindergarten. Both programs offer nature experiences through hikes, songs, stories, songs, hikes, and hands-on learning.

At CHA, there are opportunities to volunteer, to sponsor an Arboretum Animal, and to become a Hartshorn Arboretum Member. The Montessori Children’s Academy has taken, and will continue to take, advantage of all that CHA has to offer for our students, and we are thrilled that one of our current MCA mothers, Anudeep Virdi, proudly volunteers at CHA. MCA, with support from Mrs. Virdi and the Executive Director of Cora Hartshorn, Tedor Whitman, is thrilled to be building a relationship to support this local hidden treasure, where residents and families from around our great state and beyond can explore and connect with nature all year round. 

Now more than ever, especially since the pandemic of 2020, children are spending more time indoors and have come to depend on screen time where abstract impressions are being introduced. In Richard Louv’s bestselling book, Last Child in the Woods, the author discusses how to save our children from “Nature-Deficit Disorder”. Louv makes direct connections to a lack of nature experiences in children and childhood obesity, attentional issues, and depression. Dr. Maria Montessori also recognized the need to involve the body in order for “natural learning” (or concrete impressions) to take place.

“What the hand does, the mind remembers.” ~ Maria Montessori

Dr. Montessori spoke often of children learning and exploring the world through their senses. For example, while observing a leaf, a child’s vision is being stimulated. While smelling the leaf and listening to the sounds of the woods, the olfactory and auditory senses are being developed. And when touching the leaf, the tactile sense is being stimulated. These are all happening at the same time and constitute a holistic Sensorial learning experience. 

The Montessori Children’s Academy is thrilled to announce that we will be hosting a Harvest Family Fun Day at the Cora Hartshorn Arboretum and Bird Sanctuary this fall. More information will be sent to our MCA parents, and we encourage all of our families to join us outside in nature while we connect with everyone in our MCA community. 

“Let the children be free; encourage them; let them run outside when it is raining; let them remove their shoes when they find a puddle of water; and when the grass of the meadows is wet with dew, let them run on it and trample it with their bare feet; let them rest peacefully when a tree invites them to sleep beneath its shade; let them shout and laugh when the sun wakes them in the morning.” ~ Maria Montessori

For more information on Cora Hartshorn Arboretum and Bird Sanctuary, please visit:

School is Out, Summer is Here… but Learning (and Fun) Don’t Need to End!

by Camilla Nichols and Zachery Inkley,
with additional content by Tori Inkley

Along with welcoming Summer, we would like to provide some fun activities and ideas to help keep your children stimulated in a meaningful way. It’s important for them to remain in a state of learning and exploration even when they’re not attending school. One suggestion would be to arrange a small shelf in your home with activities that you can rotate throughout the summer. Set it up so that your children can independently choose the work they desire. The activities can represent the same areas found in our Prepared Environments at MCA: Practical Life, Sensorial, Language, Science, Math, Cultural, and Art. For more information on how to set up a Prepared Environment at home, visit and visit  and for Montessori items and ideas.

No matter where the summer takes you, we encourage families to spend as much time as possible outside and in nature, as screen time is best saved as a treat for rainy days. New Jersey has so many beautiful parks and beaches for you and your little ones to enjoy. Take a hike through South Mountain Reservation or go see the Great Falls of Paterson! While exploring the outdoors, take time to set up Scavenger Hunts, or help your children craft their own Nature Journals. They can collect and learn about all the different beautiful flowers of our region or do leaf shadings to help fill up the pages of their journals. At home, you and your children could grow an herb, vegetable, or flower garden, or together you could research all the critters roaming in your own backyard! To learn more about animals from all over the globe, your family could take a trip to the Turtle Back Zoo in West Orange, or if your children are more curious about our aquatic friends, you could visit Jenkinson’s Aquarium while enjoying a day on the Point Pleasant boardwalk!

Most of our local libraries have Story Times for children. Taking your young ones to such events will help to inspire their imaginations and reinvigorate their passion for reading. We also encourage you to read with your children at home as often as possible, or maybe listen to audiobooks together while picnicking outside! We’ve included some links to books we recommend at the end of this post.

Finally, if possible, explore local museums and art festivals to stimulate your children’s imaginations and encourage their creative sides. Both Montclair and Morristown, as well as New York City, have excellent museums, and Montclair also has art festivals and live music concerts all summer long! If you really want to watch little eyes go wide, take your children to Liberty Science Center, where they can get a taste of almost everything this world has to offer. Right now, they have an incredible exhibit on the Blue Whale, a Touch Tunnel where children can learn how much we rely on our sense of touch, and a Globe IMAX Theater where you can take incredibly life-like trips through the farthest stretches of the universe and the greatest depths of the sea. We encourage you to embrace every opportunity to expand the young minds of your children and broaden their natural sense of wonder!

We hope all of our families have a lovely summer full of exploration and joy!

NJ Parks and Reservations:

NJ Zoos and Aquariums:

Museums and Creative Centers:

Classic Children’s Books:

  • Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey
  • Anatole by Eve Titus
  • Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey
  • Max and the Tag-Along Moon by Floyd Cooper
  • Abuela by Arthur Dorros
  • Corduroy by Don Freeman
  • The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats
  • The Story of Ferdinand by Munro Leaf
  • Millions of Cats by Wanda Gag
  • Owl Moon by Jane Yolen
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
  • The Poky Little Puppy by Janette Sebring Lowrey
  • The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams
  • Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastman
  • Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans

Arts and Crafts for Inside Days:

And for those rainy days, or possibly travel days, when you feel a little tech time is appropriate for your children, you may want to check out the app “Mobile Montessori” at .

The Absorbent Mind: Supporting MCA’s Youngest Learners

by Bernadette Fasolas, Director of Hiring and Montessori Education
and Tori Inkley, Executive Director

“Absorbent Mind” is a term coined by Dr. Maria Montessori to describe the natural absorption of information by a child from birth through the age of 6 years. A child in this age range has been described as being “like a sponge”. Montessori observed many children throughout her lifetime and noted how they gained a significant amount of their knowledge through watching others, not necessarily from being “taught”. This was found to be particularly true for children under the age of 3 years. During early childhood, children absorb information by observing, by experimenting, and by simply being part of a community. Likewise, they expand their vocabulary and gain language skills from listening to and interacting with other children and adults.

The Montessori Children’s Academy (MCA), like most Montessori schools, offers programs for children ages 2 ½ through 6 years. Understanding just how valuable the early childhood years are, MCA has also designed a special program for children from 18 to 30 months of age. Montessori, My Child, & Me (MMC&M) was developed so that children in this age range could experience a Montessori Prepared Environment along with their caregivers. In the classroom, these children observe and work at their own pace while developing independence, strengthening concentration skills, and learning to maintain order. Maria Montessori believed these particular qualities were especially important for children to learn and to flourish. In the Prepared Environment, children become engaged in “work” that allows them to gain pride in self, further motivating their desire to learn. This is in contrast to “traditional” methods of education, where children are frequently working for rewards.

In the MMC&M classroom, children become engaged with specially designed, self-correcting materials that allow them to learn through trial and error. At this young age, it is especially important for children to see how things work and to be allowed to move their growing bodies about the classroom. Dr. Montessori felt strongly that children learn through their senses – touch, smell, sound, taste, and sight. In our MMC&M program, children have the opportunity to observe their surroundings, experience a Montessori classroom and its materials, and absorb information using all their senses. Self-direction in the classroom and participating at one’s own developmentally appropriate pace were also strong beliefs of Maria Montessori’s, as children hit specific “sensitive periods” or “windows of opportunity” in their own time.

The MMC&M program at The Montessori Children’s Academy aims to introduce both the children and their caregivers to the Montessori Method of education. The program runs for six weeks and classes are 1 hour and 15 minutes once a week. Sessions are offered in the fall, winter, and spring at our Chatham campus. While children are involved in lessons and working with materials, we also offer information on the Montessori Philosophy, as well as child development and parenting trends, for the caregivers.

At MCA, we are planting the seeds for a lifelong love of learning and MMC&M’s introduction to Montessori education is one of those seeds. Over the years, MCA has had the good fortune to support the education of many young children and then watch as they blossom into independent thinkers and motivated elementary, middle, high school, and college students. What an honor and pleasure this journey continues to be for all of us at The Montessori Children’s Academy!

“It was amazing to watch the development of my child over the six week MMC&M session. His first school experience, he started to understand the work, socialize with other children, and engage with the teacher, despite me being in the room. I would absolutely recommend this program to anyone considering a Montessori preschool education, as it familiarizes children with the environment and expectations of a Montessori classroom.”  ~ Aly Lopian, MMC&M Parent

If you or anyone you know is interested in learning more about our MMC&M program, or any of our Early Childhood Programs, please contact Bernadette Fasolas at (MMC&M) or Camilla Nichols at (Early Childhood).