Category Archives: Montessori Philosophy

A Day in the Life of a Montessori Teacher

by Alex Chiu and Sue Gallo

What is Montessori, Montessori classroom, Montessori preschools

A teacher’s carefully prepared environment

Montessori teachers possess a special passion for their chosen field of education and a strong desire to promote the growth and well-being of children in their classrooms. They approach teaching with warm hearts, open minds, careful attention to detail, and a strong commitment to the Montessori Method and to their students. Here’s a peek into one teacher’s preparation and progression through a ‘typical day’.

I have thought long and hard about how best to describe a ‘typical’ day as a Montessori teacher. The first thing that comes to mind is preparation. Preparation is one of the essential elements in the Montessori classroom, and a typical day begins with preparation for the children even before we enter the school. Every day, Montessori teachers have a ‘plan’ for each individual student. We believe it is important to follow the child, and to do that we need to know the children and provide each one with guidance in the areas that will help him or her grow. Being prepared for every school day means knowing which students are ready for new lessons, which need a bit of support in completing a work, who could use some extra attention, and who might be ready to take on new class leadership roles. Using her or his skills of observation from each day in the classroom, the Montessori teacher plans how to approach and work with the students on a daily basis. This preparation is ongoing, and many Montessori teachers find themselves involved in this type of preparation at home, in the car, and in the classroom, as they are always looking for ways to make the most of each day for each child. As Dr. Montessori said, “Our care of the child should be governed, not by the desire to make him learn things, but by the endeavor always to keep burning within him that light which is called intelligence.

Beyond preparing how to work with our students, another type of preparation we engage in is the preparation of the environment. Monthly, we prepare our room with work that focuses on a variety of Practical Life skills. We try to keep the work fresh and inviting to draw the students to this area so that they can continue working on skills that develop eye-hand coordination, left-to-right orientation, and concentration, just to name a few. Using seasonal colors, or enticing objects, we carefully arrange the materials in an organized and beautiful way. We teachers often try out the work ourselves to make sure it is appropriate for a young child to use, with just the right level of difficulty. We also change our Science activities or add something new to the Cultural shelves or the Art area in order to engage and challenge some of our older students or to extend a lesson of interest to the class. According to Maria Montessori, “The environment must be rich in motives which lend interest to activity and invite the child to conduct his own experiences.” She also believed, “The teacher must not content herself with merely providing her school with an attractive environment; she must continuously think about this environment, because a large part of the result depends on it.”

On a daily basis, we always take care to make sure that each area of the classroom is in order, with clean shelves that hold complete, carefully placed materials. When we arrive at school around 8:00AM (or earlier), we make sure chairs are in place, fresh water is added to the necessary materials in Practical Life, fresh food preparation work is set out, and that the work in each part of the environment is inviting. In some MCA classrooms, we prepare other items, such as the classroom job chart, fresh paint in the Art area, or pet food for the feeding of the class pet. Each day we remember, as Maria Montessori did, that “To assist a child we must provide him with an environment which will enable him to develop freely.”

Once the physical classroom is prepared, we remember to prepare ourselves with a smile and a positive attitude, grateful for another Montessori day! Dr. Montessori stated, “It is not enough for the teacher to love the child. She must first love and understand the universe. She must prepare herself, and truly work at it.” So we teachers work to present our best selves every day. By 8:30AM (or earlier in some classrooms), we begin to greet the children at the door. We welcome them in and depending on the classroom, the Assistant Teacher may read a story or have a conversation with the children at circle as they wait for their classmates to arrive. In other classrooms, students may begin choosing their work from the shelves for their work cycle immediately upon entering the classroom. It is always a joy to see our students in the morning, as they come to school filled with anticipation and excitement about what they will be doing that day!

At some point during the morning, students will have the opportunity to go outside on the playground. Outside playtime is an essential element of childhood. The children need fresh air and outdoor movement, and their free play is a chance to socialize and play creatively outside the classroom walls. As teachers, we use this as yet another opportunity to observe, facilitate, and enjoy time with our students. We observe both the leaders and the children who need some help interacting with others. We see opportunities to foster relationships on the playground and in the classroom. We take very seriously Dr. Montessori’s tenet that “To stimulate life, leaving it free, however, to unfold itself – that is the first duty of the educator.”

When we return to our classroom, students may finish their morning jobs, teachers may present new work, and other students may share something with their classmates, which encourages listening and speaking skills. After being outdoors, we are ready to go back to work. The children are allowed and encouraged to choose work to which they are drawn. Teachers facilitate a work period during which children can become absorbed in what they are doing with few interruptions. The children are absorbed because they have the freedom to choose to work with something that is fascinating to them in their particular stage of development. All the while, the teachers are observing, presenting lessons, and facilitating learning. We enjoy hearing the delight in students’ voices as they make new discoveries, achieve goals, and solve problems. The steady low hum of classroom activities tells us that our classroom is productive. We strive to achieve the goal set forth by Dr. Montessori when she said, “The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, “The children are now working as if I did not exist.””

After the work period, some teachers ring chimes to end work and prepare for lunch. The children clean up their work, wash their hands, and get their lunches. Lunch is an extremely valuable learning time. Children are encouraged to be independent as they set up their lunch spaces and open their containers. Teachers help them to ‘do it themselves’. As we learned from Maria Montessori, “We must support as much as possible the child’s desires for activity; not wait on him, but educate him to be independent.” Throughout the day, students practice grace and courtesy, but this is especially true at lunchtime. Just as we do on the playground, teachers use this time to join in casual conversations with our students and to listen to how they interact with one another, all the while tucking our observations into our memory banks to help us in the future. When finished, the children clean up after themselves, taking good care of their classroom before they leave.

To end the morning session, students and teachers gather together on the carpet to conclude the day with songs or a story and always good conversation. As children await whoever is picking them up from school, they have this final time as a community until we meet again the next morning. After the last child has left, we will check our emails or voicemails for any parent communications, confer with our Assistants or other Teachers about the day’s events, and perhaps attend a school meeting with the Director or other staff.

Once the students are dismissed and any teacher meetings have concluded, the typical day ends in much the same manner that it began. We inspect each area of the classroom to make sure the materials are complete and in order, put away any water or food work, complete the clean-up of tables, chairs, and the floor, and ensure the environment is safe and clean. As we move about the room, we also reflect upon our observations of the day, taking down notes about student progress, concerns, and the general classroom climate. We take time to consider which lessons students will need the next day, what types of guidance to provide to certain students who were especially quiet (or noisy or unsettled), and how to make sure each child is challenged, secure, and attended to – all in preparation and anticipation of… tomorrow!

Whoever touches the life of the child touches the most sensitive point of a whole
which has roots in the most distant past and climbs toward the infinite future.”
~ Maria Montessori

Eye on the Montessori Elementary Experience

By Alex Chiu

Most people equate Montessori education with early childhood or the preschool years. However, did you know that there are Montessori programs which begin serving children in infancy and extend up through the elementary, middle, and high school grades? For families who embrace the Montessori philosophy, they truly do see Montessori education as an ‘education for life’ and something that continues throughout their children’s school years and beyond. Many adopt a Montessori approach to their family home life, especially if there is not an opportunity to continue in a Montessori program beyond preschool. We are lucky in that The Montessori Children’s Academy offers programs which invite families to begin the Montessori journey at age 18 months in the Montessori, My Child, & Me child-caregiver program and continues with programs for Preschool, Kindergarten, and Lower and Upper Elementary students. The MCA Elementary Program, one of the few Montessori Elementary programs in our area, serves students in grades 1-8 and is located at our Short Hills campus.

MCA Elementary Highlights
Let’s take a peek into just some of the unique opportunities that students have when they continue their Montessori education beyond the Preschool and Kindergarten years and move into the Elementary Program. Our MCA Elementary students benefit from many varied and unique experiences both in and out of the classroom. Here’s a sampling of just some of the special activities they’ve participated in so far this school year.

The MCA Garden
This year, our MCA Elementary students have taken over the responsibility of maintaining our school garden. When the weather was warmer, the students used tools such as pitchforks and hand trowels to clean up the garden and pull out bulbs that were no longer needed. Next, they will begin indoor planting in February. Students have also been in contact with the Master Gardeners of Essex County to help plan their garden. They even tied the garden to math lessons as they measured the area and perimeter so that they could draw, to scale, graphs of the garden in order to plan how they will utilize the space most efficiently. The garden is just one example of how our students connect with community members, such as the master gardeners, and extend their learning beyond the classroom walls. It also illustrates cross-curricular learning where gardening meets math, science, and more.

Practical Life Skills Put to Work
The Montessori Practical Life exercises came in handy to the Elementary students recently. They decided they needed to adjust the height of some classroom tables, so they grabbed screwdrivers and went to work. The students made tables taller so they could fit more comfortably, as they have all grown so much this year! Here, too, students took the lead in problem solving, putting their skills to use in a practical way, and working together for their classroom community’s comfort and well-being.

Exploring History and Making Predictions for the Future
Our Elementary students have been continuing to study pre-humans and the theory of evolution. In order to understand how scientists develop theories based on evidence, the students analyzed models of pre-human skulls. They wrote down observations, drew what they saw, and compared the skulls to one another. The students then developed theories based on what they saw, as well as their prior knowledge from class lessons, to hypothesize what the skull changes meant for humans and why these changes might have occurred. One student even took it upon himself to predict what evolutionary changes could happen in the future and why those changes might occur! Montessori students continuously build upon prior learning, making connections and discovering ways to answer their many thoughtful questions.

Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, Oh My!
To kick off our chemistry studies, the MCA Elementary students explored atoms! The students used three-part cards and books to learn about the different parts of an atom. Some students took the initiative to take their studies one step further. Here you can see 3-D atoms built by our students with materials they found around the classroom. Montessori students are hands-on, engaged, active learners!

What Montessori Elementary is All About
It’s important to note that our MCA Elementary Program maintains the hallmarks of the Montessori philosophy, keeping its true values at the core. Here is what Montessori Elementary (and beyond) is all about:

Classroom Community
One thing that remains consistent in Montessori education across ages is the mixed-age groupings of the students. The benefits of the mixed-age group are clear when students fluidly move from one level to the next as they are ready, not limited by age or grade, and as students learn from one another, with each bringing different talents and skills to the classroom. A younger student may already be an ‘expert’ in dinosaurs because of a vast amount of interest and research done on the subject, so that student might take on a teaching role to share his or her knowledge with the others, regardless of whether they are same-age peers, or younger or older students. Students take on various leadership roles at different times throughout the school year, and all work together in a way similar to how families function, with each class member taking on different responsibilities and everyone working together for the common good of a happy, productive, learning environment.

Teachers Who Guide Students
Montessori Elementary teachers have a certification that is specifically designed for teachers working with the elementary age groups. Using their finely tuned observation skills, they adapt lessons to the needs and readiness of their students, continuously offering appropriate, challenging, and engaging activities. Montessori teachers act more as guides than lecturers, helping their students understand that the students must take ownership of their learning, which makes their learning so much more meaningful. This is not to say that Montessori teachers don’t ‘teach’. They meticulously prepare their classrooms, work alongside their students, and provide all of the support necessary to promote active, challenging, and real learning in their classrooms.

Montessori Materials and More
Elementary students may continue to use some of the same materials familiar to them from their Primary classes, but they do so in a much more advanced, sophisticated way. The materials grow with the students, moving them ever forward from concrete to abstract thinking. Supplementing these Montessori materials are important curriculum materials that equal and surpass what is being presented in traditional elementary schools. These may include supplemental writing exercises, literature, science tools, and current technology. What is different is that Montessori students continue to have the freedom to explore these varied academic components after having been provided with initial guidance by a teacher. After an introductory lesson on a material or concept, students move forward with their learning at their own pace, oftentimes seeking out independent study of special areas of interest. Very often, learning is interconnected across subject areas, and students can see how the skills they learn in their core academic areas work together in so many real life situations.

An Uninterrupted Work Cycle
The work cycle of the Elementary classroom is similar to the Primary class in that the Elementary students also have a long, uninterrupted work time. During this work cycle, they may move from one activity or subject to another, completing experiments, writing essays, doing research, and working independently, in small groups, or with a teacher. The school day also includes special classes, such as Spanish, Music, Art, Technology, Physical Education, and Health.

Peace Education and Community Connections
The MCA Elementary Program continues developing the students’ global awareness and civic responsibilities through the ongoing Peace Education curriculum. This includes not only learning social graces, but also incorporating environmental education and involvement in community service activities. Students are encouraged to make community connections, and as they do, they discover that there is so much that they have to offer in making the world a better place starting right within their own communities.

Continuing a Montessori education beyond the preschool years allows children to further develop their love of learning while taking ownership of their education. Elementary students in a Montessori environment are provided with the opportunities to follow their interests and identify their passions. With the support and guidance of their teachers, these older Montessori students apply knowledge to new areas, make connections among subject areas, and delve deeper into each area of study. They come away with skills that stretch beyond strong academic performance. From their Montessori experiences, they learn how to learn, how to ask questions and seek answers, and how to be part of a community that works together for the benefit of all.


For more information about Montessori elementary in general, you might enjoy reading Montessori Today by Paula Polk Lillard, which provides an in-depth look at what Montessori elementary education is all about. We also invite you to visit our website at for more details about our MCA Elementary Program, or call our Short Hills campus at 973-258-1400 to schedule a tour to visit and see for yourself.

Nurturing the Spirit of Charity and Goodwill

By Alex Chiu

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “charity” as “benevolent goodwill toward or love of humanity” and “generosity and helpfulness, especially toward the needy or suffering”. We seem to hear more from charities during this time of year, with Salvation Army bell ringers on every corner and more envelopes than we can carry from the mailbox requesting donations for various groups. It is in December when more people are inclined to volunteer or make a contribution, opening their hearts and wallets a little more easily.

No doubt, we all feel a little lighter when we’ve done something to help someone else. Scientific studies have shown that volunteering and making charitable contributions of time or money can affect how we feel—people who are charitable tend to be happier, and even, according to some studies, healthier. So, if it makes us feel good to help others, why so often, do we set aside the needs of others until December rolls around? How do we keep this spirit of charity and goodwill alive throughout the year not only within ourselves, but in our children?

Think about that first Merriam-Webster definition again. In what ways do we foster “benevolent goodwill toward or love of humanity” at home? First, it comes from how we treat our own family members, showing respect through our words and actions at home. We then must have the same expectation of our children to show respect to us, their siblings, and other relatives. Words do matter. So do actions. When our children see and then emulate respect at home, this then naturally trickles into their interactions with friends, neighbors, store clerks, classmates, teachers, colleagues, etc. For Montessori students, it’s reinforced daily with Grace and Courtesy lessons as well. In addition, as Maria Montessori herself said, “There is a great sense of community within the Montessori classroom, where children of differing ages work together in an atmosphere of cooperation rather than competitiveness. There is respect for the environment and for the individuals within it, which comes through experience of freedom within the community.” The Montessori classroom is an extension of that environment of respect which is developed in the home.

Next, think about the second part of the definition: “generosity and helpfulness, especially toward the needy or suffering”. Again, as the old adage acclaims “Charity begins at home”. How can your child show generosity and helpfulness at home? Very simply, they can do this by participating in the necessary tasks of daily life—tidying up, helping with mealtimes, sharing with siblings, or offering to do something for someone else who may be tired or busy. Parents who model this type of generosity and helpfulness, and who encourage their children to follow suit, have already laid the foundation for spreading that goodwill beyond their homes, where their children will realize that their acts of charity, however big or small, can benefit ‘the needy or suffering’, too.

This year, it’s been impossible to ignore the many needs of people suffering both in our own country and around the world. The many natural disasters, resulting in fires and flooding, have devastated so many areas near and far. Sometimes, even for adults, seeing the news repeat the details of such events can be overwhelmingly sad and disheartening. However, as we have seen with Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, these disasters have actually brought people together working for the common good. And even our youngest children can learn that there are ways that they can help.

At The Montessori Children’s Academy, we recently held Bake Sales at each of our campuses, with all of the proceeds benefiting Montessori schools affected by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. The students learned about how the schools were damaged, and class discussions led by the teachers allowed the children to process what it must be like for children just like them to not be able to go to school following such a strong storm. The empathy of the students permeated into their beautiful posters which were displayed at the Bake Sales, and the overwhelming response of parents, teachers, and administrative staff to contribute items as well as purchase them to support this great cause was heartwarming. In all, MCA raised more than $3,000 to support Instituto Nueva Escuela in its efforts to provide disaster relief to Montessori schools and their families in Puerto Rico!

In addition, MCA annually chooses an organization to support through various charitable endeavors throughout the entire school year. This year, we are supporting Paws of War. From September through June, our MCA students will learn about this organization and participate in several activities in the hopes of raising awareness, as well as funds, for the good work that they do. Earlier this fall, the students were treated to an in-school assembly where a Paws of War representative shared information about how the organization trains rescue dogs to become supportive service dogs to military veterans. The children had the opportunity to meet one veteran and his canine partner, and they learned firsthand how this partnership has improved the life of both the rescued dog and the serviceman. Doubly good work! Over the course of the next several months, MCA students will continue to learn about the programs and brainstorm other ways they would like to help.

At home, children learn respect and the value of helping family members. In school, there is a natural extension of this in the multi-age Montessori classrooms, where students help one another every day. Our Montessori children quickly come to learn that it feels good to help others. As a school that promotes awareness of a different charity each school year, our students also learn about the variety of larger needs in our communities. Whether it is by helping a classmate tie his or her shoelaces, making posters for a bake sale, or collecting money to support an organization such as Paws of War, they see that there are so many ways they can contribute to their communities and help others each and every day. And when a sudden disaster strikes, such as the hurricanes of this past fall, they see that their school families can combine efforts to help with those needs as well. Charity then is something that becomes a natural part of the children’s lives. Most importantly, they see that charity isn’t a one-time, December event. The children find that charity comes in the words and actions that they share daily, showing their “benevolent goodwill toward or love of humanity”.

This holiday season, everyone at
The Montessori Children’s Academy

extends our warmest wishes for
Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All!

*For more information about or to make a contribution to Paws of War, please visit their website For more information about Instituto Nueva Escuela, please visit and the GoFundMe page to help support the disaster relief efforts for the Montessori community in Puerto Rico.

The Gifts of a Montessori Education

By Alex Chiu

During this busy holiday season, many people find themselves frantically searching for ‘that perfect gift’. They are looking for the right size, color, and fit. Or they are trying to find something unique and one-of-a-kind. Some parents have their children write out wish lists of items they are hoping to receive, in order to be sure to select just the right thing. However, if we look beyond the clothes, toys, games, and gadgets, there are some incredible gifts that our children receive every day in the form of their Montessori education. Let’s unwrap some of the ‘gifts of Montessori’.

Montessori students are given:

A Beautifully Prepared Environment
From the moment children enter the classroom, they are welcomed into a carefully prepared environment that has been created especially for them. Child-sized furniture allows them to sit comfortably and with correct, safe posture. The beautiful Montessori materials, designed in specific inviting colors and crafted with care, are organized sequentially so that children may work with them and build on their growing skills from one material to the next. Items are placed where children can easily access them, and artwork is hung at the child’s eye level for their enjoyment and appreciation. Everything in the classroom has a purpose in further developing the child while at the same time welcoming them into a comfortable, aesthetically pleasing, home-like environment in which they can grow, learn, and thrive.

The Guidance of a Carefully Trained Teacher
Montessori teachers undergo many hours of training as they learn the purpose and practice of using the various Montessori materials in the areas of Language, Math, Sensorial, Practical Life, and Cultural Studies. In addition, they practice the art of observation, a key component of teaching in Montessori. Their keen observations of their students drive teachers to modify the environment make decisions about which lessons to present, and continuously work to maintain a productive, engaging, inspiring classroom environment for their students. Montessori teachers are passionate about their calling to be in the classroom.

A Global Perspective
Perhaps we could say that Montessori students are given the world. The Cultural Studies area introduces children to geography, cultures and traditions from around the world, and fundamental, basic human needs. Montessori students ‘travel’ the world as they learn about the continents, countries, states, and regions. They explore the unique differences between areas because of geographical features, as well as because of the people and animals that inhabit each place. They also come to learn what is fundamentally similar among all people, no matter where they come from or live. This global perspective allows students, even from the confines of their classrooms or communities, to move beyond what is familiar and to learn to respect, admire, and take interest in others.

Time to Develop Independence, Confidence, Responsibility, and Mastery
Within the Montessori work cycle, students have the opportunity to choose which types of work they would like to complete. They might spend a good part of their morning captivated by a Montessori Math material or engrossed in creating a map of Europe. Once an activity is completed, the child then moves on to his or her next choice, and is allowed time to work without interruption. Students learn to take ownership of their learning. They are responsible for using their time well. And by having time to engross themselves in their learning, they lead themselves to mastery in a variety of areas of learning. Having freedom to choose what work to do helps students develop independence, as do the self-correcting materials. As students work in the Language, Math, Cultural, Sensorial, or Practical Life area, they develop confidence in their abilities as they build on acquired skills with new knowledge. All of this naturally moves with them from their earliest Montessori classroom experiences on into adulthood where these skills will enable them to be productive, inquisitive, creative, and diligent workers in the world.

Opportunities to Contribute
In conjunction with Cultural Studies, students also engage in a Peace Curriculum, as Dr. Montessori strongly believed that “establishing lasting peace is the work of education”. Learning problem-solving strategies, becoming comfortable with silence, and developing strong communication skills all encompass this peaceful component of the school day. Students, through their cultural and peace studies, gain empathy and compassion. This is then translated into a variety of community outreach service projects. Montessori students understand that they are part of a greater whole, and that they have a responsibility for making positive contributions to their communities and the world at large. They learn that small actions can have big impacts, and they learn to facilitate ways for others to join in doing things for the greater good.

Sharing the Gifts of Montessori
For those of you who are current MCA parents, we believe that you will agree that the ‘gift of Montessori’ is one that will stay with your children long after they leave The Montessori Children’s Academy. And we hope you are considering extending the gift to your child(ren) for another year or beyond. As you know, MCA will soon hold its in-house registration for the 2018-2019 school year, which is then followed by open registration. Our program offerings include:

Montessori, My Child, and Me (for 18-30 months old with a parent or caregiver),
2 ½ – 3 ½ Year Old Program,
3 – 6 Year Old AM and PM Programs,
Full Day Kindergarten
Elementary for students in grades 1 through 8

We will be holding an MCA Kindergarten Open House at each of our three campuses during the month of December.

Chatham Campus Kindergarten Open House:      Tuesday, December 5th,         3:15 – 4:15PM
Short Hills Campus Kindergarten Open House:    Wednesday, December 6th,   3:15 – 4:15PM
Morristown Campus Kindergarten Open House: Thursday, December 7th,       3:15 – 4:15PM

Our MCA Elementary Open House will be held on Thursday, December 7th from 7:00 – 8:00PM at our Short Hills campus. We hope you will join us to learn how you can continue to enrich your child’s educational experience by extending this beautiful ‘Montessori gift’ through the Elementary and Middle School years.

We invite you to attend our Open Houses to learn more about the benefits of our Kindergarten and Elementary Programs, and we hope you will bring your family and friends so that they, too, can learn about the many gifts a Montessori education has to offer!


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A Practical (Life) Thanksgiving


By Alex Chiu

Thanksgiving is just the holiday for making connections between home and your child’s Montessori school experience. With the number of preparations involved, it’s wonderful to have extra hands helping with all of the details, and your children have a great deal to offer as helpers. Since September, they have been refining many of the skills needed to pull off a perfect Thanksgiving holiday for family and friends. Invite your child to participate in the planning and preparation. They will take pride in and feel great satisfaction in being able to contribute, and you’ll be grateful for the extra help in getting things done!

Before the Big Day

Clean: As you begin your household chores, consider what tasks can be done by your child. At school, Montessori students practice folding cloths, scrubbing tables, washing dishes, sweeping, cleaning the leaves of plants, rolling rugs, and pushing in chairs, just to name a few. See what needs to be done around the house before company arrives, and then invite your child to take on one or more of the chores that he or she can be successful in completing. Simple chores such as putting clean hand towels in the guest bathroom, organizing their toys, or pushing in the chairs around the dining room table allow even the youngest children to feel like they are making a contribution to the festivities.

Decorate: Montessori students have ample opportunity to be creative with a variety of art supplies at school. Charge your children with the task of creating table centerpieces. Encourage them to take a nature walk and collect items to use in their creations. They may also enjoy making place cards for your dinner guests. Provide them with colored paper, scissors, colored pencils, and the list of guests. To welcome visitors, you might like to spend time together making a welcoming wreath for your front door. Using a wire or grapevine wreath frame available at most any craft or dollar store, use clothespins to attach favorite photos or items from nature, or tie strips of different colored ribbons around the frame.

Set the Table: Your children are already old hands at setting the table by the time Thanksgiving rolls around. They have been setting up their lunch spaces since the start of school, and many classrooms have likely set out a “table setting” work on the Practical Life shelf, showing the proper placement of forks, knives, spoons, and napkins. If your dishes are too fragile, work together. Let your child set out the napkins and utensils while you set out the dishes and glassware. And remember to have your child count while doing this chore. How many people are coming? How many of each item will we need? How many utensils will be on the table in all? Learning opportunities across disciplines abound in this preparation work!

Thanksgiving Day

Help with Food Prep: Food prep is often a favorite activity for Montessori students. They become young experts in peeling, chopping, pouring, and so much more. Allow your child to help with measuring and mixing, slicing (with a child-safe kitchen tool) and washing, or pouring and peeling. Remind your child to wash hands prior to doing any food prep, and provide some guidance, but be prepared to be surprised at how well they can manage many tasks in the kitchen!

Practice Grace and Courtesy: Prior to the arrival of your guests, coach your child in some of the social graces you expect of them. You might have your child collect coats as guests arrive or provide newcomers with a small tour of the main level of the house. Have your child introduce guests to one another, and practice some ‘conversation starters’ for your child to use. Share some memories about family and friends who will be joining you for the celebration, or put out some photo albums for your child to peruse with guests as a springboard to hearing old stories and making new lasting memories. At the dinner table, include your child in conversations by asking open-ended questions or encouraging your child to share some stories about school, friends, or special events.

Clean Up: Just as with setting the table, your children can easily assist with certain clean up jobs. Ask them to help clear dishes, wipe counters, or push in chairs. Transferring leftover items from serving dishes into storage containers is a great job for children to do. Whatever the task, allow your child to do the job to the best of his or her ability, and enjoy having the help!

When everyone is full, when all the work is complete, and when the busy-ness of the day winds down, take a few moments to reflect on all of the hard work that was done in order to create a special day for everyone to enjoy. Think about the ways in which your child was able to help and how he or she is growing, developing new skills, and gaining independence. Maria Montessori once said that “Joy, feeling one’s own value, being appreciated and loved by others, feeling useful and capable of production are all factors of enormous value for the human soul.” So before the day is done, share your reflections with your child, and remember to give thanks for it all!


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