Let’s “Light a Candle for Peace”

Our families know that a key component of the Montessori philosophy is the focus on peace education. Not only do students learn about cultures from around the world to gain respect for and understanding of people of many backgrounds, but they also participate in ongoing grace and courtesy exchanges, mindfulness exercises, and conflict resolution lessons. In addition, Montessori students learn about responsibility for themselves and their choices and for the care and caring of others and the environment, too.

In light of current events which make our hearts heavy, we wanted to take this opportunity to once again share the words of a song our school community learns and sings together each year. We know that our children are our hope for the future, so we remain hopeful that with love, respect, learning, and meaningful experiences, our children will “Light a Candle for Peace” today and always. We wish and will work for a peaceful world for all.

Light a Candle for Peace
By Shelley Murley

Light a candle for peace
Light a candle for love
Light a candle that shines all the way around the world
Light a candle for me
Light a candle for you
That our wish for world peace
Will one day come true! (repeats)
Sing peace around the world
Sing peace around the world
Sing peace around the world
Sing peace around the world (combine chorus and verse)
Light a candle for peace
Light a candle for love
Light a candle that shines all the way around the world
Light a candle for me
Light a candle for you
That our wish for world peace
Will one day come true!

To listen to a recording of the song, visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9M8SmWh2Fo .