A Matter of Trust

By Alex Chiu

Trust. This is a good word for the beginning of the school year. Parents who have chosen to send their children to a Montessori school have already shown that they have trust in the educational philosophy. Now, as September is upon us, it is time take a deep breath as we send our children off to school and to also trust our children, their teachers, and ourselves.

The start of a new school year is always filled with anticipation, and sometimes anxiety, by students, parents, and school personnel. Everyone is excited for new lunchboxes, new learning, and new growth. But many are equally nervous about a new beginning. For parents of new students, there may hesitation about being away from their children for what may be the first time, or concern about how their children will fare in a new classroom with new faces and new routines. Families with children returning to school also face uncertainties and may feel some apprehension about what the new school year will have in store.

But this is where trust comes in, and especially trust in Montessori. At The Montessori Children’s Academy, parents can trust that their children are in the care of well-trained, dedicated teachers who believe in the Montessori Method and adhere to the principles set forth by Dr. Montessori. The teachers fully appreciate that parents entrust children to their care during the school day. They model respect, patience, kindness, and curiosity, and they work diligently to individualize the learning that takes place in order to follow each child from where he or she is to wherever it is that he or she wishes to go. Of course, everyone in each classroom goes through the ‘normalization period’ where they learn how to work together as a classroom community. The groundwork for the year is laid as the classes talk about classroom guidelines, expectations, and goals. Separation issues may ensue for some, but again, parents are asked to trust that the teachers (and the other children) will work together to make every individual in the class feel safe, secure, and excited to be at school. Parents must trust that even if this takes some time, it happens, and if their help is needed, they will be invited to help in the process!

Montessori parents also can trust that their children will have the opportunity to learn and grow in a nurturing environment that has been specifically designed just for them! The carefully designed materials invite the children to explore how they work, and each material offers many levels of learning. Montessori classrooms are an oasis for children. Everything is just their size, and each item on each shelf is carefully and purposefully placed. The children learn a sense of order as they are shown how to take an item off of the shelf, how to use it, and how to return it so it is ready for the next friend who wants to use it. They learn responsibility and how to care for their environment which they share with their friends and teachers. They learn to take pride in the work they do and in the way in which they do their work. Parents can trust that the levels of learning are many. Additionally, they can trust that children in the Montessori classrooms learn not only important academics but also social skills, leadership skills, and higher-level thinking skills that they will carry on with them wherever they go.

Finally, parents need to take a moment, take a breath, and trust themselves. Especially for parents with first time students, trust that you are sending your child on a wonderful, joyful journey. As children begin their education, and move forward with each subsequent year, they have the whole world opened up to them. Parents can trust that they know their children best. They are their children’s first teachers and have already set a foundation on which their children will build their personalities, experiences, and education. Trust that you are sending your children into the world where they will learn, grow, contribute, share, develop, struggle (yes!), overcome, persevere, question, discover, and so much more. Trust that there is a wonderful school year ahead!