Farmers Markets and Montessori

By Alex Chiu

August is perhaps one of the most colorful months of the year, especially if you take some time to visit any number of local farmers markets in the area. Fruits and vegetables in rainbows of hues fill the baskets and tables, inviting a closer look at their beauty. Who knew there were not only red and yellow tomatoes, but orange, purple, and striped ones, as well?! Beets, red and golden, inspire something new for the upcoming week’s menu. Cauliflower, bright white, neon green, or even purple, might find its way into new family recipes. The variety of fruits and vegetables available at this time of year is such a welcome sight. Some are common and well known and loved—something to enjoy and savor again and again. Others are surprising and completely different, and they welcome us to give them a try, offering us a chance to find a new favorite to include at our tables at home.

As strange as it sounds, walking through a farmers market on a Saturday morning elicits images of a Montessori classroom. The markets are filled with colorful, carefully cultivated, and specifically chosen items, made available for us to explore, investigate, and learn from as we take our time moving from one stall to another. Our senses are awakened to the colors, flavors, and textures before us, and who can resist the beauty and opportunity within each market item? The markets are also a place for community. We meet the farmers, learn from them, and share our experiences. We might provide feedback about last week’s purchases, describe a new recipe we tried with some of the grower’s ingredients, or ask questions about additional benefits or usages for what they have brought to the market. We learn together. We see how we are different, how we are the same, and how we are connected in it all.

Similarly, Montessori classrooms invite students to do the same sort of exploration and discovery as they entice students with their carefully prepared materials specifically developed by Dr. Montessori to support child development. The materials are heirlooms of her teachings passed on to promote the growth of new generations. The Montessori materials, intentionally pleasing to the eye, draw the students’ attention and invite them to use them as they delight their senses and develop new skills. The Montessori classroom, like the farmers market, is also a community. Students and families come together to learn, share experiences, ask questions, and develop personally. Montessori students, teachers, and families also grow together as a community, acknowledging one another’s strengths and needs, and working together to promote growth in all.

So, as the summer continues on, consider taking in a farmers market or two with your child. Identify what’s familiar, and find out more about what’s new. Enjoy the fruits of the season, and make some discoveries about nature together. Before you know it, school will be starting up again. And when September arrives, even as the produce available at the farmers market changes and begins to dwindle, you can be assured that with the start of another school year, the fruits of Montessori education will continue to flourish and grow all year long.